Tuesday, November 16, 2010

He is here

I have fallen in love once again


  1. He's beautiful. I love your little family. I want to come by and visit as soon as it isn't a nuisance having people around. :)

  2. He is so adorable Priscilla! Congrats again to you both. Enjoy every moment, he will grow so quickly but it just gets better everyday!

  3. Congratulations! I hope everything is going well. How are you feeling? How did the hypnobirthing go?

  4. kels- come on over.

    Kiera- oh man, the sleepless nights. they have gotten better though. i love him soosoosos much. he is a cutie.

    Natalie- it's a story. the umbilical cord was detaching itself from the placenta, amniotic fluid was low, and zeke was losing weight. i got induced morning of the tenth and had him at 4:30. hypnobirthing worked great, but so did the epidural ;)
