We have been in the process of organizing our new little apartment. Random? Random move right? We have been looking for a cheaper place for sometime now. Finally, we found something that met our standards. Not as cute at our last house, but we will be defiantly saving a grip of wadded cash.. Aaa. No really!
During our move...
Zeke turned 4 months
Cooper had his birthday HAPPY 30TH MY DEAR!
I learned to
knit (Finally)THANK YOU youtube.com
I got inspired from this lady...
Karen Barbè of Chile. K! I LOVE HER!
We have been on a "
Perfect carseat hunt" once again (Zeke master has grown out of his, weight wise)
Zeke bee got his first immunizations :( he did really well, on a good note! He didn't fuss or cry until after the nurse left. On the other hand me, well, I was a mess on the inside. I never felt I could throw up from nerves. Don't worry I did not end up messing all over the room.
I have started a hunt of the perfect printed
fabric to
make pillows for the brown sectional on our front room. Ideas? Anyone?
I learned more about the Turkish culture.
Sold our Washer and Dryer :( crying moment.
Bought a
tank top from Forever 21
Found the best
Shape Makers for children. For Zeke bee. I like them a lot because the child uses all their imagination with making faces, shapes, or anything they want to.
Met my left side neighbor, who sells
Matilda Jane Clothing. I would totally wear
these in a size 10 or 12 for little girlies.
Bought a vintage necklace from the thrift store to re-use the beads to make a necklace.
Do you know of a cheap place to buy custom made rubber stamps? I have some art work I would like to make into rubber stamps. Less than $4 per square inch.